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O Manchetômetro é um site de acompanhamento da cobertura da grande mídia sobre temas de economia e política produzido pelo Laboratório de Estudos de Mídia e Esfera Pública (LEMEP). O LEMEP tem registro no Diretório de Grupos de Pesquisa do CNPq e é sediado no Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Políticos (IESP) da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). O Manchetômetro não tem filiação com partidos ou grupos econômicos.


Redefining the Communication Dynamics in Bolsonaro’s Brazil: Media Consumption and Political Preferences

Joao Feres Junior, Bruno Marques Schaefer e Eduardo Barbabela

In this article, we contend that understanding Brazil’s current communicative landscape requires a closer examination of the relevance of legacy media outlets, challenging the widely accepted “traditional media bypass” thesis, which posits that social media platforms have overtaken traditional media as the primary influencers of political discourse, an argument often used to explain the rise of extreme-right ideologies across different national contexts. In order to test the association between voting preferences and the use of different types of media, we employ logistic regression analysis using data from a recent survey that includes numerous questions about the information and media consumption habits of Brazilian voters. Our findings highlight that legacy media, particularly broadcast TV channels like Globo, Record, and SBT, remain dominant in Brazil as sources of political information. Contrary to the bypass thesis, Bolsonaro’s supporters, while favoring social media, also consume significant amounts of legacy media. Analysis reveals stark differences in media preferences between the supporters of different political candidates, challenging the notion of an exclusive reliance on social media by right-wing supporters. The data also indicate nuanced media consumption habits, such as a preference for certain TV channels and fact-checking behaviors, underscoring the complex interplay between legacy and social media.

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Criado em 2014, o Manchetômetro (IESP-UERJ) é o único site de monitoramento contínuo da grande mídia brasileira. As pesquisas do Manchetômetro são realizadas por uma equipe com alto grau de treinamento acadêmico e profissional.

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